The main topic of my research is natural language semantics with a focus on the expression of modality and mood in German, English and Japanese. Other research areas that I’m interested in include the grammatical and lexical marking of illocutionary force, the interpretation of context sensitive expressions in embedded contexts (in particular modal particles, tense, modals and mood), the semantics of attitude verbs and expressions of desire and preference, indirect speech and logophoricity.
I’m currently a member of the Koselleck project “Propositionalism in Linguistic Semantics” lead by Prof. Dr. Thomas Ede Zimmermann.
I am a member of the SMCSL, a interdiscplinary research network (“Wissenschaftliches Netzwerk”) of philosophers and linguists funded by the DFG that investigates the Semantics and Metasemantics of Context-Sensitive Language (
I was a member of the XPrag Dojo ( funded for a period of two years from 2016-2017 by DAAD and JSPS and coordinated by PD Dr. Uli Sauerland and Yoichi Miyamoto (PI) of Osaka University. The XPrag Dojo was a group of 20 researchers that work in subgroups on different topics in cross-linguistic experimental pragmatics with a focus on German-Japanese comparison.
From June to August 2018 I was a fellow of the JSPS Summer Program at Mie University in Japan where I worked together with Ayaka Sugawara on cross-linguistic comparison between epistemic modals in German and Japanese.